Grenfell: Six Years On

Jun 14, 2023 | Campaigns

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Labour MPs stand in a parliamentary room holding signs that read Justice for Grenfell

This week marked anniversary of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, which led to the deaths of 72 people. Along with other Labour MPs, I took part in a minute’s silence in Parliament organised by my friend Dawn Butler MP. Six years on, nobody has been held personally accountable, still less criminally liable for the negligence that led to these deaths. Meanwhile, across the country, people are still living in buildings that have fire safety defects or dangerous cladding, and don’t have decent sprinkler systems or fire. The Government needs to implement the full findings of the Grenfell Inquiry: personal emergency evacuation plans for disabled residents. More broadly, we need action to boost fire safety standards, end overcrowding in housing, reverse the disastrous cuts to the Fire Service, install sprinkler and fire safety systems and prosecute the companies and individuals behind this tragedy.