Contact Bell

If you need to get in touch with Bell Ribeiro-Addy, MP for Streatham, please use the contact form below.

We aim to respond to most enquiries within a 5 day period, however, in some cases it may take longer. If you have a personal issue and you think Bell can help your case, please include your full details and a description of the problem in the Details box below.

If it is an immigration issue, please include your Home Office Reference No.

If it is a work or benefits issue, please include your National Insurance No.

How I can help you

Contacting Bell

I may be able to help if you:

  • are having problems with a government body
  • have made a complaint or filed a claim and want to know how it’s progressing
  • have been told you aren’t entitled to something and you disagree
  • want to make a complaint about a government body to the Parliamentary Ombudsman
  • want to get in touch with an organisation that will give you support and advice

If I am unable to help you I will try to direct you to someone who can.

Strict Parliamentary protocol means that MPs are only allowed to take up cases on behalf of their own constituents. Please check whether you are a constituent using the constituency location services here:

If you think I can help you please get in touch with the office.

The quickest way to resolve most issues is via email at

You can also telephone: (020) 7219 6695

You can also write to: Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA


The quickest way to advance the majority of cases is to send me an email outlining the issue. However, if you would like to arrange a surgery appointment, please get in touch via the contact form above, or email me at

Press & Media Enquiries

If you are a member of the press or media and would like to interview Bell or request a comment, please email

Visiting Parliament

If you are a constituent and you are interested in having a tour of the Houses of Parliament email or write to me at; Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA and provide the following information:

  • Name and postal address including postcode
  • Number in group (20 max. per group)
  • Preferred date, with two other alternative dates if possible
  • Preferred time, with an alternative time if possible
  • Contact telephone number
  • Any special requirements

If you want a tour for school children, there are a number of special educational tours that are available.  If you are interested in these then please use the email address above. More information is also available from the Parliamentary Educational Unit.  The unit also runs a website geared towards children:

Getting to Parliament

The following link provides more information about Houses of Parliament tours including maps, times and address details: