This month, I met with Leigham Court Estate residents, regarding disrepair with serious damp problems, rotting windows, shoddy insulation and dangerous electrics among other issues. I have given their campaign for decent living standards my full support. I have also raised these issues with Lambeth Council, who have appointed new contractors to address some of these issues and ensure residents are getting the levels of service they deserve.
A safe and secure home is one of the most basic human needs. But with local councils bearing the brunt of government spending cuts over the last decade, it’s one that is being denied too far too many people.

During my visit to the estate, I also met 95-year-old Cecilia McPherson, a resident who had been waiting weeks for someone to remove various parts of the ceiling that had fallen through. I went back to visit Cecilia at a later date to ensure that the works were carried out. While I was there, Cecilia mentioned to me that she had no idea what MPs did with our day and as far as she was aware, all we did was get into trouble. To dispel her views and show her exactly what it is that MPs do, I invited Cecilia to come and visit me in Parliament and have a tour of the grounds.
As Parliament was sitting, I couldn’t take Cecilia into the chamber itself, but after showing her around Westminster Hall and Central Lobby, I managed to get Cecilia into the viewing gallery to watch some of the heated debate on Barry Gardiner’s “Ban Fire and Rehire” Bill. I’m pleased that Cecilia left Parliament
with a better understanding of the day-to-day job of an MP, and some fantastic pictures
to remember her trip by.