This week, the new rapid testing centre at Streatham Library opened, joining similar sites at Brockwell Park and Lambeth Town Hall. The rollout of the vaccine is fantastic news but with local infection rates still very high locally, it’s really important that we all continue to take proper precautions. As well as wearing a mask, socially distancing and practicing proper hand hygiene, mass testing is another important way of getting on top of the virus and chipping away at infection rates.
Around 1 in 3 people with Covid-19 don’t have any symptoms, but they can still pass it on. If you’re one of the many people having to go out and work or still coming into regular contact with others, get a rapid test to be on the safe side.
- Lambeth Town Hall: 9am – 4.20pm
- Brockwell Park: 9am – 3.30pm
- Streatham Library: 3pm – 7.20pm (Wednesday to Sunday)
Getting a test is quick, easy, free and very COVID-secure. I got tested on Friday and received my results in under an hour.
You can book a test over at the Council’s website: