I’m still angry that Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing (MTVH) attempted to force more than a hundred Clapham Park Estate households out of their homes over Christmas, with nowhere else to go and Covid cases at record highs. It’s worth drawing attention to the fact that the company pushed ahead with these plans in full knowledge that there were very few readily available alternatives for people to rent at this time of year, let alone affordable ones. I was contacted by numerous residents who rebutted the company’s claims that they had been contacted in advance of official notice being served and offered alternative accommodation.
Thankfully, residents got organised and pushed back against this decision. I was very happy to support their efforts, lobbying MTVH and raising public awareness about the evictions to make them think again. The company was forced to listen and reverse their heartless plans, giving residents of two blocks a reprieve until early February. Landlords need to understand that if they treat their tenants with contempt, they’ll have me to deal with.